Day02-First Program

Day02-First Program

Modules, Pip and First program of python

Modules in Python:

A module can contain executable statements as well as function definitions. It is like a 'code library' - used to borrow code written by someone else in Python.

To Import Any Module - We use 'import' command.

Types of Modules:

There are two types of modules:

  1. Built-in modules - they are already built-in in python such as: math, numpy, os.

  2. External modules - they need to be downloaded externally such as: pandas, sklearn, tensorFlow.

Pip in Python:

PIP is a package manager for Python packages, or modules.

To Install Module Externally - We use pip command.

pip install module_name


REPL stands for Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop. The REPL is how you interact with the Python Interpreter. Unlike running a file containing Python code, in the REPL you can type commands and instantly see the output printed out.

NOTE: It is a website where you can run your python program. CodingSplash

First Program:

The print command - prints the input as is it is. It executes the result line by line.

print("Hello World", 7)


Hello World 7

Some Key Points:

  • To read excel files - we use read_csv function.

  • sklearn - is library of machine learning.

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